By research anthropologists Ken Macintyre and Barb Dobson
Root bark is a little understood bush tucker that was once consumed by the indigenous Nyoongar people of inland southwestern Australia.1 The bark was collected to extract nutritious plant sugars found in the inner bark and vascular cambium of the roots of certain species of Eucalyptus trees. The living inner bark and vascular tissue forms a thin actively dividing layer of gelatinous sweet cellular tissue that separates the bark from sapwood. It is responsible for transporting sugars and other organic substances to all parts of woody shrubs and trees.
Only a handful of anecdotal accounts allude to this form of comestible among the traditional inhabitants of southwestern Australia (Drummond 1839, 1843, Grey 1840, Moore 1842, Ketoun 1849, Salvado 1851 and Bates 1938). James Drummond, the Colonial Botanist, in a letter to Sir William Hooker in 1839 was the first to record indigenous root bark eating.2 He states:
‘The Eucalyptus found on the sandy loam, is called by the settlers York Gum, by the natives Doalta;3 they use the bark of the root as food in the dry season chewing it along with the gum of the Manna.’4
Drummond (1839) states that it was chewed ‘until they separate the saccharine matter which the root contains.’ They then ‘spit out the refuse, which is generally to be seen near their bivouacs.’5
Grey (1840:117) records tdowt-ta as ‘a root eaten by the natives.’ He clearly did not observe the tree first-hand as he provides no identifying names or details and does not include any reference to the consumption of root bark. It was the root bark, not the root, of the tdowt-ta that was eaten.
Both Moore (1842: 97) and Drummond (1839) identify twotta or doatta as York Gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba). Moore (1842: 70) states:
‘A Eucalyptus, of which the natives chew the bark of the roots, wrapped about gum, or pounded up with it into a cake. Colonially, the York gum-tree, being the principal timber which characterizes that district. The lands whereon it is found are generally good for sheep pasture.’
Bishop Salvado (1851), in his memoirs, records Duotta as ‘the roots of certain types of trees’ but he does not name these trees. He comments:
‘The fibrous outer covering of the roots of certain types of trees forms one of their food-stuffs. They heat it over the fire and crush it, and then eat it with gum. Normally they suck the substance out of it and spit out the residue.’ (Salvado in Stormon 1977: 161)
‘The outside tegument of the roots of this tree forms one of the native foods; they scorch and grind it, and then chew it and spit out the residue.’ (Salvado in Storman 1977: 212).
Storman (1977: 212, 294) when interpreting Salvado’s work makes an assumption (based on the phonetic resemblance between duotta, dward and tuart) that the tree being referred to by Salvado is the tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala). However, it is our view that Salvado’s description of duotta matches the wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) because he describes the white trunk of the tree, notes its susceptibility to termites and its usefulness as a water reservoir in the dry months- all of which are features of the white gum or wandoo. Salvado’s description of duotta is as follows:
‘…a species of eucalypt of which the wood is white, and extremely hard, but particularly subject to white ants… The hollow parts of these trees often retain supplies of rainwater from the winter months till summer; and the native make it squirt out by boring a hole through one of the knots of the trunk, and quenching their thirst as at a clear fountain, afterwards blocking up the hole to preserve the water for later on. I have often drunk this way, and found the water fresh but not very palatable. The outside tegument of the root of this tree forms one of the native foods; they scorch and grind it, and then chew it and spit out the residue. Moreover, they find in these roots certain yellow worms, as long as a man’s index finger, and they eat these in the way earlier described.’ (Salvado 1857 in Stormon 1977: 212)
For further details on the Noongar consumption of bardi grubs found in tree roots and trunks, see our paper at
Eucalyptus wandoo is unique in that it has the same scientific species name, common name and Nyoongar name. Very rarely are Nyoongar names incorporated into the Latin based Linnaean binomial nomenclature. It is our opinion that Stormon (1977:294) may have erroneously interpreted Salvado’s duotta as meaning tuart when in fact Salvado was probably describing the wandoo.6 Bird and Beeck (1988: 118) refer to the indigenous chewing of the roots of both dward (Eucalpytus loxophleba or York gum) and wornd (Eucalyptus wandoo or wandoo). They state that at the time of their fieldwork they:
‘collected wandoo or white gum roots which turned out to be very dry and unpalatable. This was attributed to the fact that the tree was growing on laterite gravel rather than sandy ground’ (Bird and Beeck 1988: 119).
What Bird and Beeck (1988) do not consider is that it was the root bark, rather than the root, that was chewed, and usually only after considerable processing. Bird and Beeck (1988) include the roots of Eucalyptus wandoo in their list of foods consumed by the inland Nyungars of lower southwestern Australia, based on the information provided by one of their senior Aboriginal informants. However, apart from noting that these were eaten in season, they do not provide any details as to when or how the roots (or root bark) were procured, prepared or consumed.7
The few fragments of ethnographic information provided by Drummond (1839,1843), Moore (1842) and Salvado (1851) when collectively analysed suggest that the root bark of at least two species of Eucalyptus was consumed. These were Eucalyptus loxophleba (the York gum) known by Drummond and Moore as ‘doalta,,’ ‘doatta’ or ‘twotta’ and Eucalyptus wandoo (what Salvado calls ‘duotta’).8 Both are inland Eucalyptus species that often co-exist within the same locality but in different soil types. Drummond (1839) points out that the York gum is found in alluvial ‘sandy loam’ whereas the white gum or wandoo is generally found in ‘hard clay.’ Like his contemporaries, Drummond fails to give any precise time, place or contextual description for indigenous root bark eating, except to say that it was eaten during ‘the dry season’.
Traditional Nyoongars were expert plant phenologists and fully aware of the seasonal timing and availability of fruits, seeds, flowers and roots, including the edible vascular cambium of the root bark of twotta Eucalyptus. It is our view, based on rudimentary iodine testing experiments of samples of twotta that this food would have been high in photosynthates (plant sugars) at the time of its collection and that it would have been relatively easy to procure using digging stick or wanna technology.
The fresh gum exudates found on Acacia species (most notably Acacia microbotrya) were added to the root bark chew. Sweet edible wattle gum known by Nyoongars as galyang or menna, to this day continues to be highly prized and sought after as a natural indigenous confection.9
Acacia microbotrya (colonially known as’ manna wattle’) often grows in the vicinity of Eucalyptus loxophleba (York gum) and can still be seen amongst remnant vegetation on the road verge near Drummond’s original property at Hawthornden, Toodyay. One could speculate that Drummond’s account of this practice of root bark consumption related to indigenous practice in the Toodyay district and its surrounds.
The early colonial records provide little insight into the methods used by indigenous inhabitants to collect and prepare root bark. However, it is possible using anthropological imagination and examples of ethno-historical descriptions of Nyoongar root-gathering activities to reconstruct a picture of the process of root bark procurement and its preparation for consumption. Classic examples of root gathering and processing involved seasonal staples such as yanjet (Typha domingensis), warrain (Dioscorea hastifolia or native yam) and bohrn, mein, or madje (Haemodorum or “bloodroots”). The digging of these rhizomes, tubers, corms and bulbs (or “vegetable roots”) was customarily the work of women. It would seem logical to assume that the collecting and processing of root bark was also a primarily female task.
Ketoun (1849) refers to Aboriginal women bringing him some gum and ‘twotta’ when food was scarce during his expedition from Toodyay to Wongan Hills in April 1844 (see Ketoun’s diary entries which are cited later in this paper). The procurement of root bark would have involved laborious digging to excavate the roots using a wanna which is a long hardwood crowbar (with a fire hardened point) rounded on one side and flattened on the other. Commonly referred to as ‘the digging stick’ the wanna was an indispensable tool – sometimes weapon – which was individually manufactured, maintained and carried by its female user. 10
Grey (1841:292-293) describes how Nyoongar women dug up roots using their wannas:
‘It is generally considered the province of women to dig roots, and for this purpose they carry a long pointed stick, which is held in the right hand, and driven firmly into the ground, where it is shaken, so as to loosen the earth, which is scooped up and thrown out with the fingers of the left hand, and in this manner they dig with great rapidity.’
Moore (1842: 24) provides a linguistic meaning for the above process, calling it:
‘dtanbarrang-ijow – to dig up; to dig out. A compound word, signifying literally, pierce (the ground), take (it; whatever is dug up, in your hand), put (it on one side), this being an exact description of the native style of digging.’
Root bark would have been simply removed by lifting the bark with the sharpened end of the wanna and peeling it away from the woody structure. Salvado (in Stormon 1977:212) points out that once the bark has been stripped from the root ‘they scorch and grind it.’ He further elaborated that once heated and crushed, it was eaten with gum.
Many Noongar vegetable foods (maryn) were similarly cooked and ground to denature toxic or bitter substances as well as to soften the texture and to enhance the nutrient value.11 After cooking, the root bark was pounded between two grindstones. This pounding action was known as ‘yudang-winnan’ (Moore 1842: 83,107). The grinding stones usually consisted of a round or oval flattened basal stone that was larger than the upper stone (or muller) which was held in the right hand of the user for pounding and grinding. The left hand was used for squeezing and shaping the crushed bark into the form of a cake. Oldfield (1865: 278) describes the grinding process as follows:
‘…she proceeds to pound the roots singly, after each blow squeezing up the mass with her fingers of the left-hand, and thus continues pounding until the substance assumes the form of a coherent cake, about two inches in diameter and one-third in thickness.
When Oldfield refers to cake, he is not referring to a cake in the European sense but rather a mixture that has been cooked, pounded and shaped ready for chewing.
Drummond (1839), Moore (1842), Ketoun (1849) and Salvado (1851) refer to Acacia gum as a key ingredient of root bark chew. Menna (or “manna” the colonial term for wattle gum) was a gum exudate collected from the trunks and branches of Acacia, especially A. microbotrya. 12 The gum exudate was the result of insect burrowing activities.
Acacia gum was often used as an additive when preparing vegetable foods, especially if they were acrid, woody or difficult to chew. It would have enhanced the taste and sweetness of the root bark.13 We would suggest that when the Acacia gum was mixed with root bark, the added mucilage from the gum would have formed a bulking agent which would not only have made the root bark easier to chew but also would have acted as a dietary filler, helping to provide a feeling of satiation. It would seem that root bark combined with Acacia gum was at certain times of the year used as a starvation food.
Ketoun (1849), in his diary entry dated 26th April 1844 refers to Aboriginal women bringing ‘some gum and “twotta” root’, among other things, to share with him. Two days later his diary entry reads:
‘Miserable night I passed; cold, hungry, and affected by the bad water. In the morning, before starting, the natives tightened their “nulbarns,” or belt; the natives procured some bark of the Twotta root, I masticated some and found it relieved my hunger. All this day we were kangaroo hunting but without success, and in the evening a little gum was all the food we had….”
To confirm whether the root bark from the York Gum could be used as a starvation food, we procured a sample in May 2008 from a friend’s property in Toodyay. Digging the root was difficult after such a long dry summer/autumn period. The first winter rains had not yet arrived. When the root bark was prepared in a (reconstructed) traditional manner of heating and grinding, it tasted sweetish and had a sticky texture. It was not unpleasant to chew, and a rough iodine test showed that it still contained a moderately high level of carbohydrate. Based on the early ethno-historical records such as those of Ketoun (1849) and our own experimentation with twotta root bark at different seasons, we would suggest that this substance was used not only as a confectionary but also as a starvation sustenance food.
The root bark would have been consumed primarily for its sugar content and, like the menna gum with which it was blended, it would have constituted a highly prized confectionery. Drummond (1843) draws attention to this when he describes the indigenous extraction of the saccharide content of the doatta root bark. 14
When Ken Macintyre tested the starch content of the root bark of Eucalyptus wandoo in October 2008 using an iodine test, he also found it to be high in carbohydrate. Its appearance and moist fibrous sticky texture (after cooking and pounding) closely resembled that of the root bark of Eucalyptus loxophleba (York gum). 15
Bates (1938) also comments on the sweet-tasting root bark of an unnamed species of mallee (this is possibly Eucalyptus diversifolia) that was given to her during her expedition to Eucla. 16 She records this edible root bark, known as nala, as one of the last true totems of the people of the Eucla region. 17 She states:
‘Dhalja brought me a wooden scoop filled with this edible bark… The bark was sweet and not unpalatable, and I returned the compliment in sugar, which he found sweeter still.’ (1938:127)
There is no doubt that Bates, like Drummond, was aware that this sweet food delicacy was a highly valued indigenous confectionery.
We would suggest that Bates is describing the very same bush food that Eyre (1841) and his Aboriginal informants subsisted on at one time in the Eucla region during their expedition across the Nullarbor plain heading towards King George Sound. His journal entry for April 6th states that:
‘the bark of the young roots of the gum-scrub. It appears to be extensively used for food by the natives in this district, judging from the remnants left at their encamping places. The bark is peeled off the young roots of the eucalyptus dumosa, put into hot ashes until nearly crisp, and then the dust being shaken off, it is pounded between two stones and ready for use. Upon being chewed, a farinaceous powder is imbibed from between the fibres of the bark, by no means unpleasant in flavour, but rather sweet, and resembling the taste of malt; how far a person could live upon this diet alone, I have no means of judging, but it certainly appeases the appetite, and is, I should suppose, nutritious.’
Bates, D. 1938 The Passing of the Aborigines: A Lifetime spent among the Natives of Australia. London: John Murray.
Bates, D. 1985. The Native Tribes of Western Australia. Isobel White (Ed.). Canberra: National Library of Australia,
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